This is a work in progress. Anyone can suggest whatever
they think it needs. But, its my piece and, fallible as I am,
Ill be the one who actually puts whatever in...
Thought for the Year(s)
the Jews, Christians and Moslems all followed the spirit of the teachings
of their religions, there would be peace on earth and general contentment
among the worlds population. There would be no need for government
because the people would keep the peace amoungst themselves by the
nature of the teachings of these religions. The only threats to people
and the only causes of unhappiness would be the threats of nature
such as sickness, storms, earthquakes etc.and even these would cause
less suffering than they do in our present situation because of the
nature of the teachings of these religions. These religions, at their
cores, teach and urge people to help each other, to get along with
each other, to make life better for ourselves and the people around
Why do people choose to kill each other?
Why do people choose pride over
mutual benefit?
Why do people choose violent revenge over peaceful
Why do people let fear be their
motivating force?